I Am Jeremy Bryan
a passionate video editor! Whether it’s documentaries, Movies, YouTube vlogs, video courses, or corporate videos, video editing is where I feel at home. Need a versatile video editor? I think it’s a match!
My Works
Trailer Editing - Olga On Tour
Role: Editor
A documentary about a couple who traveled through Africa in their Landrover Defender. In order to push the crowdfunding to make this documentary happen I edited their 7TB (!) of footage into this beautiful trailer.
Trailer Editing: Mission Erde
Role: Editor
When «Mission Erde E.v.» a german association that promotes sustainable environmental and animal protection searched for a new cutter in 2024 they asked for an application video. I decided to not send my own videos but instead cut their already released material from 2023 into an amazing trailer. Using AI technologies like audio spliting, upscaling and voice enhancing.
Travel Movies
Role: Videographer & Editor
As I was traveling through Europe for 3 years with my partner I collected a lot of footage from that journey. Do you have footage that you need to be cutted and edited? Reach out to me and we make something beautiful happen.
Corporate Videos
Role: Videographer & Editor
The large global corporation «BRUGG» asked me to realize a video to showcase their engagement in sustainability and their commitment into following the SDGs developed by the united nations.
My Expertise
– Video Editing
– Sound Design & Audio Editing
– Color Correction & Color Grading
– Further processing for social media platforms (thumbnail creation, subtitles, keywords, etc.)
– Filming
My Person
I’m not really good at describing myself to others. I like to leave this task to others. I always try to have a good connection with my clients. A lot of my clients I worked with have become very good friends over time. I like to work on the same eye level with all my clients. In my eyes structures of power imbalance between people belong to the past.
Customer Focus
My top priority with cusomers is always communication. I am convinced that communication is key in every relationship. Wether in business or private environments.
As long as communication works between all people in a project everything can be acheived!
Testimonials (translated to english)
«I find working with Jeremy to be extremely enriching and fruitful. Since he took over the technical side of my activism, the quality and number of followers has increased rapidly. Jeremy is also reliable, extremely competent, humorous, uncomplicated and an incredible person strong help for my everyday activism. He thinks along and gets involved. Thank you, dear Jeremy, for your valuable work.»
«Working with Jeremy was simply excellent, there is no other way to say it. He always took our wishes and goals into account and at the same time implemented them into creative solutions.
We can only warmly recommend him. A tip for potential customers: let him do it and don’t restrict it too much, then you’ll get more than you hoped for!»
«Jeremy intuitively understood my wishes and ideas and implemented them perfectly! Within a few hours, the reel he created for me had more views than all of my previous posts. Very good work, brilliant teamwork!»
«Working with Jeremy was extremely pleasant and uncomplicated. I particularly liked his friendly and professional manner, the flexibility in the collaboration and of course the fair prices.»
«Working with Jeremy was a lot of fun. He’s punctual, stays calm, the communication and exchange of feedback was super easy and he also goes the extra mile when it’s beneficial to the project! He’s a gem!»
Testimonials (originals)
«Die Zusammenarbeit mit Jeremy erlebe ich als äusserst bereichernd und fruchtbar. Seit er bei mir die technische Seite meines Aktivismus übernommen hat, ist die Qualität und die Zahl der Follower rasant gestiegen. Ausserdem ist Jeremy zuverlässig, äusserst kompetent, humorvoll, unkompliziert und eine unglaublich starke Hilfe für meinen alltäglichen Aktivismus. Er denkt mit und bringt sich aktiv ein. Danke, lieber Jeremy, für deine so wertvolle Arbeit.»
«Die Zusammenarbeit mit Jeremy war einfach hervorragend, man kann es nicht anders sagen. Er hat unsere Wünsche und Ziele immer berücksichtigt und gleichzeitig in kreative Lösungen umgesetzt.
Wir können ihn nur wärmstens weiterempfehlen. Ein Tipp am Rande für potentielle Kunden: lasst ihn machen und engt ihn nicht zu sehr ein, dann bekommt ihr mehr als erhofft!»
«Jeremy hat meine Wünsche, Vorstellungen intuitiv verstanden und perfekt umgesetzt! Innerhalb weniger Stunden hatte sein für mich kreiertes Reel mehr Aufrufe als alle meiner bisherigen Posts. Sehr gute Arbeit, geniales Teamwork!»
«Die Zusammenarbeit mit Jeremy war super angenehm und unkompliziert. Besonders gut gefallen hat mir seine sympathische und professionelle Art, die Flexibilität in der Zusammenarbeit und natürlich die fairen Preise.»
«Die Zusammenarbeit mit Jeremy hat mega Spass gemacht. Er ist pünktlich, bewahrt Ruhe, die Kommunikation und der Feedbackaustausch waren super easy und er geht auch die Extrameile, wenn es dem Projekt dienlich ist! He’s a gem!»
© 2024 Jeremy Bryan Weber Videography